Q: What kinds of questions should I ask the pharmacist about my medications?
Marla Ahlgrimm: First, let him or her know what other medicines, both prescription and OTC, you’re currently taking. This includes any vitamins or health supplements. With this information in hand, you can ask your pharmacist about any possible drug interactions. Women who are pregnant or wish to become pregnant should inquire about how drugs might affect the baby, both during gestation and while breastfeeding. Your pharmacy can provide you with information about each drug.
Q: Why should I keep a medicine list?
Marla Ahlgrimm: Aside from being able to determine drug interactions, a medicine list can tell doctors if your meds might interfere with a medical procedure. For instance, you may need to stop taking blood thinners prior to surgery. It is also helpful to maintain a list of medicines for your children and elderly parents.
Q: Can I take more than the prescribed dosage to expedite results?
Marla Ahlgrimm: No! Taking more than what your doctor recommends can be dangerous and might have just the opposite effect. Your body can only metabolize so much before it views a drug as toxic. Likewise, taking less than prescribed to stretch out your prescription may prolong your illness.
Q: How long should I keep medications past their expiration date?
Marla Ahlgrimm: Medicine should be disposed of properly if not taken before expiration. It is not safe to flush drugs down the toilet as they can leech into the municipal water supply. The best way to get rid of unused drugs is to take them to a DEA-approved disposal site or contact local law enforcement to ask about community drug take-back days.