There are a number of reasons that women – and men – experience a change in hormone levels throughout the cold months. According to Marla Ahlgrimm, seasonal hormone changes in the pituitary gland are likely triggered by cold weather. Likewise, shorter days and longer nights affect the adrenal hormones and sex drive.
Thyroid trouble
Thyroid hormones are also affected by colder temperatures. As the body tries to compensate for lower numbers on the thermometer, the need for thyroid hormone increases. This can trigger symptoms of hypothyroidism, even if you’re otherwise healthy. This can include dry skin, fatigue, muscle weakness, and depression. Marla Ahlgrimm explains that thyroid-boosting foods, such as chicken, salmon, and eggs, can help circumvent thyroid-related side effects.
Waylay the winter blues
Nobody really wants winter to ruin a perfectly good summer. But, despite cold temperatures and dark night skies, you should keep your schedule as close to that of summer as possible. Marla Ahlgrimm says to continue to exercise and get outdoors when possible. And, just like the rest of the year, a balanced diet will go a long way toward keeping your hormones in check. You may be tempted to go to bed earlier than usual, but try not to pad your nighttime hours too much. Your body runs off the circadian rhythm and significant changes to this pattern can make you feel tired and slow.
Marla Ahlgrimm cautions that, while feeling “off” throughout the winter is normal, seasonal affective disorder, a feeling of depression from fall until spring, should be discussed with your primary health care provider.