Marla Ahlgrimm explains that sodium is an element essential to the human body. In fact, we need around 200 mg each day to support healthy system operations. But the average American consumes more than 3400 mg of salt each day of the week. The problem is not in the salt we add after cooking. The vast majority of our sodium overload comes from processed foods and those preserved with salt.
Fluid imbalance
The human body is naturally designed to maintain a balance of fluids, sodium, and potassium. Marla Ahlgrimm explains that when it has too much water, the body uses a process called osmosis to remove the excess fluid. These fluids are then transported to the kidneys and then bladder. When you eat too much salt, your body naturally keeps water in the blood to help dilute the excess of sodium. The most significant problem that can arise from an abnormal increase in blood volume is high blood pressure.
Havoc on the heart
Marla Ahlgrimm notes that high blood pressure caused by an excess of sodium damages the heart very quickly. Women who intake too much sodium are at a higher risk of kidney failure, heart failure, stroke, and coronary heart disease. A quick visit to your doctor to check your blood pressure can help alert you to potential issues.
Bringing on the bloat
It can be difficult to tell if you are intaking too much sodium solely based on your blood pressure. But Marla Ahlgrimm says that bloating, which is perhaps one of the most uncomfortable conditions associated with salt, is also a sign of sodium saturation.
Marla Ahlgrimm explains that the best way to reduce sodium intake is to read labels and skip the take-out.