Wednesday 10 January 2018

Marla Ahlgrimm: For Your Heart

Marla Ahlgrimm
Most women mistakenly believe that heart disease only affects men. This is a common misconception and one that can lead to a premature death, says Marla Ahlgrimm. According to the retired at women’s health expert, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for the fairer sex. Here, Ahlgrimm shares a few tips on how to keep your heart healthy.

Eat right

Marla Ahlgrimm says eating a healthy diet is a no-brainer for overall health. But, specifically where the heart is concerned, she recommends choosing foods that are low in sodium and trans fat. While sugar is typically associated with diabetes and obesity, it can also take a toll on the heart so it’s wise to reduce your intake of sugar in all of its forms, including corn syrup, glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Manage other health conditions

Many common health concerns, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and blood pressure, can actually increase your risk of heart disease, asserts Marla Ahlgrimm. Make sure to visit your doctor once a year or more to discuss ways that your health puts you at a greater risk. Don’t skip important tests and take extra precautions to safeguard your health when you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

Understand aspirin

Despite what the commercials may assert, aspirin is not 100% effective at preventing heart attacks for everyone. However, if you’re interested in an aspirin regimen, Marla Ahlgrimm says you should speak with your doctor first. Ask your healthcare provider if aspirin is right for you or if there are more appropriate ways to safeguard your heart.

Know the warning signs

Marla Ahlgrimm reports that the signs of a heart attack can be very different for women. While chest pain and arm pain is common among both sexes, women are more likely to experience a shortness of breath, unexplained and sudden fatigue, lightheadedness, nausea, and cold sweats.


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